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Privacy Policy

GlobalDataBrokers is committed towards the safeguarding and protection of all the personal information you provide us.

The privacy policy listed below explains the details of how we go about collecting information on our website and the techniques we use to protect all the information, (private or public) that you will be providing us. Any updates to this privacy policy will be prominently displayed on the home page. We request you to check occasionally.

Information collected

We collect information from you at various points on the website during the course of your visit here.

There are three types of information that we collect on-site and off-site.

  1. When you use our website, we collect information regarding this. These may include the details of all the pages that you have visited, time spent, documents you have downloaded directly, location, traffic and such other details.
  2. The other type is the information that you have voluntarily supplied to us. This includes login details, form page submissions and purchase information.
  3. Information you provide us voluntarily during communications offline through email, phone or written communications.


Cookies are tiny text documents or files that are inserted into your computer when you visit our site. These are used universally for the purpose of tracking the usage of web pages via Google Analytics. We use cookies on our site. We use it in collaboration with Google Analytics to track the behavior of users on our web pages and understand site performance and incorporate methods to improve them. These cookies collect basic information such as time spent on the site, repeat visitors, number of pages visited, bounce rate, and links you have clicked on.

Cookies do not store any personally identifiable information about you in anyway. We do not allow Google to use the data that has been collected from our website for the purpose of advertising and marketing. We do not use information collected through these cookies other than for improving site performance. If you are not comfortable with our use of cookies, you can opt to switch them off through your toolbar on the browser you are using. This will affect the performance of the website adversely as we will not be able to provide you with appropriate content according to your browsing habits. You can also use the ‘incognito mode’ in Chrome and ‘private browsing’ in other browsers if you do not wish to divulge such information.

Social Media Icons

As with any other large format website and business, we are present on various social media sites. This is purely for the purpose of communicating with our client base. We have social sharing buttons present at various locations throughout our website. These buttons allow you, the User, to share our website content onto your personal or business social media profiles only. These buttons have been purchased from a third party and we have entered a non disclosure agreement with them. Social media sites collect information about your behavior when you are using them. Once you click on these buttons, the privacy policy of our website ceases to be in force and is transferred to the social media site. Please read and understand their privacy policy and terms of use documents before you share any content.

Usage of information

Most of the information that you provide us is utilized to communicate with you. There are a few other uses of such information and they are listed below.

  1. To communicate with you about information that you have requested us about our products and services.
  2. To inform you about any changes to the services that we are providing, updates and changes on the website, maintenance work that may interfere with your login.
  3. To communicate with you about additional information about our products and services that may be of interest to you. This information will only be communicated with you if you have expressed interest and have given us explicit consent only.
  4. Communication regarding the launch of new products and services that we have which may be of interest to you.

Storage of collected data (personal)

As we have stated above, we do collect personally identifiable information about you while you connect with us for login purposes and purchase. We have methods and techniques to collect and store this data as we understand that it is personally identifiable and can do significant damage if it falls into the hands of unscrupulous elements. We need to transfer the personal information outside our geographical location for processing and storing. By using our website, you are providing us explicit consent to said transfer. We have software in place that ensures this data transfer happens according to the highest standards of business security. As with any transaction on the internet, nothing is safe. In light of these issues, we cannot guarantee full and complete protection of transferred data. you have chosen to send us this data at your own risk and we shall try our best to minimize this risk.

Disclosure of information

Since we are in business, acquisitions are common. We have a policy for the transfer of information that you have provided us to the party that acquires us. You will be informed about such developments via email and prominent display on our website. If we are requested to share sensitive personal information with legal authorities we will be cooperating with them in every way possible. We will also use this information if we feel that it is a threat to the safety of our website and for the prevention of fraud and theft. Third party links are common on our website. If you choose to click on these, the field of force for our terms of use will be defunct and you will have to read the terms of use of the third party site. We are not responsible for the actions of the third party website once you have exited our domain.

Access to your information

According to the Data Protection Act of 1998, you have a legal right to access all the information that you have provided us. You can request access to them via email.


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